Litigation and risk management

Industrial Risks

Industrial risks are an inherent part of the life of many companies. Their managers must put in place a strategy and actions to ensure optimal protection against these risks, both for its employees, its customers and suppliers.

JP Karsenty has developed a solid and global approach, mixing the legal and technical aspects regularly presented by the files related to industrial risks to identify, anticipate and manage them. Its teams thus deliver their advice with the objective of responding to the real practice of the concerned sector of activity.

JP Karsenty offers various expertise through its teams who work in close collaboration to ensure the defense of its clients. The criminal law, insurance and litigation teams regularly work together to ensure a cross-functional approach, taking into account all of their clients’ issues.

Ranking Décideurs Magazine 2024

Industrial risks & liability litigation : - Recommended

Legal works in this area

Contractual – Consulting

  • Analysis of the insurance contract and its exclusion clauses;
  • Management of the relationship between the insured, the insurer and the technical experts;
  • Analysis of the criminal risk with regard to the facts in question ;
  • Analysis of recall campaigns;
  • Strategic analysis of press releases.

Litigation :

  • Representation and assistance of the client in the context of judicial expertise (link between experts, employees of client companies and judicial experts, optimization of the presentation of technical arguments…);
  • Writing of statements and close collaboration with technical experts in the writing of technical notes to optimize the argumentation;
  • Representation before the courts in the context of a measure of instruction in futurum aimed at obtaining the appointment of a judicial expert in view of a future litigation.

Track records

  • Management of an industrial accident against a milk powder producer – defense of a microbiological analysis provider;
  • Representation and assistance before the courts, in the presence of a judicial expert, in the context of a “serial” damage – defective parts in the engine of an automobile;
  • Litigation before the Commercial Court in defense of a laboratory on the results of analyses.
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